Damn they must be really close acquaintances.
Damn they must be really close acquaintances.
Sexy, innit.
Man is skipping leg I see.
Looks pretty nice. The colour work is great, and the framing is nice. 7.5/10
It has the Interstellar movie feeling with, also a Lovecraftian vibe. Nice dust effect and good use of desaturated and cold colours.
I'm happy you like it!
This is unlocking happy memories and releasing THE GOOD CHEMICALS. 5 stars
the serotonin b
Homer is speedrunning lung cancer faster than Marge's sister.
SoyBoy in the flesh.
Only 1890s will remember this.
Nice drawing, it has that early 80s anime type style when in motion (Barefoot Gen Blast scene). The shading is good, and the framing is fuckin awesome. The colour blending is nice, but I wished that you've drawn the one on the right crowding in fear's eyes with more fear and dread (Like Shellshock). Also, him praying with a rosary is a nice touch. This artwork is pretty good.
P.S. Did you draw him with emotionless eyes because he is in shock?
Oh my, thank you so much!!
(He’s not really in shock, he’s kinda used to it; but he does fear the thing that has pit his friend in that state
If you’re talking about the guy on the left, he’s dead)
He looks a little handsy
I'M BARELY HOLDING ON so that says I'm that guy, no the other one. I'M YOUR AVERAGE EVERY DAY MENTAL PATIENT with an interest into the weird ;).
Not saying ;)(secret)
Solar system
Joined on 10/11/22